Coates Street Presbyterian Church

We Seek to Know Christ’s Love and Minister in His Name

Coates Street Presbyterian Church 601 West Coates Street Moberly, MO

Coates Street Presbyterian Church is a member of PC(USA). We are located 601 West Coates Street; On the corner of Johnson Street and West Coates Street in Moberly, MO. The office entrance is off the North parking lot. Worship entrances are through the front doors, office entrance, or lower level. An elevator is available in the front of the church.

Invites YOU to join us in Worship Sundays.
Coffee is served each Sunday. Coffee Bar with a light breakfast snack is served the first Sunday of every month, and is ready at 9:20 AM.

Sunday School for all ages begins at 9:30 Worship with us in person or on Facebook Live at 10:30 AM.

To watch Worship click the link below:


We celebrate and receive Communion on the first Sunday of each month, Maundy Thursday and Christmas Eve, all that believe are welcome to the table of the Lord. Presbyterians practice open communion. That is, all those who have been baptized, whether members of the Presbyterian Church or not, are invited to participate. Baptized children may participate if their parents have instructed them in the practice and believe they are ready to partake.

Coates Street Presbyterian Church

Our beautiful Sanctuary:


The Deacons BLESSING BOX is located outside of the church by the parking lot entrance.  This blessing box is for people to leave what they can and take what they need. Some of the items that can be left in the blessing box is canned goods, soups, fruits and vegetables; nonperishable food items.  Hygiene products, feminine items, soap, shampoo, coats, jackets, socks, gloves for winter, small household items and much more.

For any who are unable to watch the services online please contact the office per phone or email and we will email/mail them a manuscript copy of the sermon.

There are several ways you can give back to God, through monetary donations made to the Church: The best way is to attend Sunday Worship and place it in the tray during the offering; another way is to place it in the postal mail; you can now make a donation on our Facebook page, look for the blue donate button, or check with your personal bank for their services of autopay. 

Who We Are

The members and Deacons of Coates Street Presbyterian Church minister to Moberly and the surrounding community by participating in the work of Christos Center, Community Childcare & Learning Center, Moberly Home to School Resource, Safe Passage, Randolph County Ministerial Alliance, Coyote Hill Fostering Service of Moberly and Rooted 242. We are also active in the Randolph Caring Communities West End Projects.

We offer Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:30 AM

You may reach us at:

601 West Coates Street

Moberly, MO 65270

(660) 263-4571

email: [email protected]

Office hours:

9:00-12:00 Monday-Friday

Vickie Troyer won the Cookie Jar! Congratulation Vickie!

The story of the lightning strike 8-11-2019

To see the story from the beginning, scroll down.

*** Contractors set the new steeple Monday, October 3, 2022

Setting the new cross on top of the new steeple.

Safety Note:

Please avoid the West side area (far West front glass door entrance). 

The grout and concrete structure is in need of repairs, caution tape is in place.

9-1-22 Tuck pointing the brick on the bell tower. Building the dormers on the steeple. Shingles will be placed on the steeple before being lifted into place.
Stay tuned, and we will have a watch party for the raising of the steeple and placing the bell back.


The new cross for the top of the steeple, as well as the shutters for the bell tower arrived and are being stored until ready for use.

BELL TOWER UPDATE:  update 05/25/2022

The steeple base has arrived, and the construction crew is building it on the ground, (looks like a giant teepee!) and will raise it in place after completion of building it. Stay tuned for the date, we plan to have a “Watch Party” so all can witness the setting of the steeple in place.

Plaster work has been completed inside and the paint colors have been chosen. Things are moving along nicely.

The East Entrance and foyer is still closed for construction.

BELL TOWER UPDATE:  update 03/18/2022

Some of the bell tower bricks are being removed.  The better bricks will be kept for future possibilities.

Decision on shingle:  select “Quarry Gray” from sample card…  request to confirm north part of building that is currently rubber roof can be shingled as well?  TPO selection “Gray”

– Requested switching:  relocate switches to furred out area round piping per last sketch…  maintain existing switching (foyer/porch, pole lamps, 3-way stair) and put new steeple light on dusk to dawn (either separately or tied to existing signage spot)

– Bell:  bell is requested to be relocated back in tower again and functional if possible…  need to confirm platform is adequate for bell support and plan for crane set same day as steeple…?

– Following up with Jack and Susan on flooring selections

Please note that the East entrance will remain closed.  Please avoid this area.

Bell Tower update:  update 03/04/2022

– Temporary New Roof Cricket being constructed and will be in working order soon. Again, this will be reworked when remainder of Roof Work is underway after Steeple is in place…

– will need a decision on Foyer Floor soon

– Tower Platform Framing underway, Foyer Floor Framing Reinforcing to continue soon

– 5 Oaks will have a Cut Sheet / Submittal on the Finial & Cross back soon…  They’ve been doing a great job coordinating this detail for us and we will share for approval upon receipt

Please note that the East entrance will be closed as well as the seating on the East side of the Sanctuary.  Please avoid these areas.


2/24/22 Bell Tower update:  The crew from Five Oaks continues demolition of the front foyer, the walls in the Sanctuary, and the room under the front foyer and the East wall of the Sanctuary.  The bell was safely taken down on Tuesday. It is in safe storage until a decision can be made as to how we will be displaying it.


Contractor Five Oaks Associates, LLC from Centralia, MO has been chosen to rebuild the bell tower. Outline & Associates of Moberly is the design & Planning Consultant, and has been great to work with to get the design of the bell tower put together. Work will begin as soon as all permits and paperwork is completed. We pray for good weather during the construction!


Bids went out to Contractors for the new steeple. A pre bid meeting is set for Wednesday, August 18th from 3-5 PM. This will be held at the church. Contractor Bids will be due Wed Sep 8, 2021, and opened from 8am – 1pm . Again, thanks to Devin Snodgrass, with Outline & Associates for all his hard work.


Thank you for all that attended the Bell Tower Design Concept presentation. Thanks to Outline & Associates of Moberly for designing the new steeple, and coming to answer questions from the congregation. Project Bids will be going out to contractors. Construction will begin as soon as some final plans are made, and hopefully the price of supplies goes down. Below is the drawing of the steeple plans.

3/19/2021 The Bell tower is secured, weatherproofed and the inside cleaned.

Update 2-26-2021 Crews have begun to secure the bell tower. Bands have been put in place and plywood is being placed on it. Clean up of the inside and outside of the tower will begin soon.

November 1, 2020 update: It has been a long prolonged effort with Insurance, Architects and Engineers. We are now ready to set down with the Engineers and Architects to discuss how and when things will be starting to rebuild the Bell Tower and Steeple. We will keep everyone updated as progress is made.

Many have asked about the progress. As of January 2020, we are waiting on the Engineers, Contractors and Insurance Adjusters to complete the final plans on rebuilding our steeple. As everyone knows, paperwork can take more time that construction. More information will be shared as we receive it.

As of October 2019:

Workers from Beaverson Roofing, Moberly, MO have been working on removing the shingles and the steeple, after a lighting strike 8/11/19. A Structural Engineer will be assessing the bricks of the bell tower, to see how much of it will need to be removed and replaced.

As most of you may have heard, the steeple was struck by lightning just before worship Sunday morning, August 11, 2019.  There is damage to the steeple, but NO ONE was hurt!  The insurance company has been contacted and things are progressing.  We received the OK to tarp the steeple.  (There was NO visible water damage this morning from the rain last night).  Now it is a matter of insurance, engineers, construction and the Session making some hard decisions.  Everyone wants to know what they can do, at this point, PRAY!  We will keep you updated as we are.

In case you were not able to attend the prayer service held at Trinity United  Methodist on Sunday evening 8-11-19; here is Pastor Joel’s message:

“Friends, we are gathered here today for a short prayer service. To pray for our church, and our building that has been a house of worship in this community for over a century. We must admit that something like what happened this morning to our church is scary. We thank God that no one was hurt, and yet the lightning served as a disruption in our day. Striking not far from where we our people were gathered, it reminded us of the frailty of life, that death could come at any moment, and it reminded us of the fragility of even our sturdy buildings. But in gathering tonight, we take a stand saying that the devil cannot stop us from worshipping today. And in the midst of even the hard times we will gather together and sing praises to our God who we firmly believe is still good.

In light of the fact that lightning struck our church earlier this morning right before our worship service was about to start, I think it would be wise as a pastor to briefly address what we believe about God and His role in the natural events of this world. Scientists tell us that one hundred times a second, lightning strikes somewhere on earth. We do not believe that God is actively directing every single one of these strikes of lightning to hit where He so chooses. Not that He couldn’t if He wanted. There are certainly many examples in the Bible of God directing the weather as punishment against evildoers. And yet those are special times when God chooses to act, it’s not normative of all weather. Due to the proximity of the lightning strike to the start of our worship service, I was joking with people about how there must have been something I was going to say in my sermon that God really didn’t want me to say… But no, what I had planned to talk about was the pervasiveness of idols in this world and how we must be careful to worship the true God, and not worship false gods. It seems to be in pretty safe, non-smiting territory to me…

All joking aside, it does need to be stated that we do not believe that God intentionally struck our church with lightning. The foolishness in thinking in that way can be seen pretty easily when we look at how there are many churches who teach heresies of all varieties that still stand tall and unharmed. We believe that we live in a fallen world that was brought about by the sinful choices of humans and demons. We believe that by sin we brought death and destruction into God’s good world such that now lightning strikes and natural disasters ravage God’s good creation. They are one of many signs to us that the world that we live in is not as it is meant to be, they are reminders to us that both we and our very world are awaiting the time when we will be made new.

We do not believe that God intentionally struck our church with lightning, and yet neither can we look at lightning strikes and natural disasters as the unbeliever looks at them. We cannot simply leave it at saying that they are purely random happenings based on weather cycles and natural laws. Because we believe in the power and providence of God. We believe that God is in control of everything that happens. We must reckon with the fact that God is in control and nothing bad can happen without His permission. God did not command the lightning, but God did permit it. God is in control, but God’s control does not always look like we assume it would look.

In the gospel of Mark chapter 4 we hear of Jesus on a boat with his disciples, and a great storm arose. And the disciples were fearing for their very lives. And what was Jesus doing this whole time while this was happening? He was sleeping. The disciples woke him up and rebuked him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” In the gospel of John chapter 11 Mary and Martha send a message to Jesus from Bethany to Jerusalem telling him that their brother Lazarus was ill. Yet even knowing this, Jesus did not leave right away, Jesus stayed two days longer in Jerusalem where he was. As he finally arrived in Bethany, Lazarus was already dead. And Martha went and rebuked Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.”

God’s control does not always look like we assume it would look. In the midst of the storm, He was sleeping. In the midst of a sickness unto death, Jesus stayed put where he was. In the midst of tragedies, it so often seems like these stories, it seems like God is absent or that he doesn’t care while we go on perishing. But let me tell you a secret: the reason God is sleeping is not because He doesn’t care. God is not sleeping because He could care less what happens to us. God is sleeping because He is in control. God is sleeping because with two words He can end the storm. “Be still.” God delayed in coming to Bethany because with two words he could resurrect Lazarus, “Come out.” “Come out of your grave.”

God permits evil in this world, not because He doesn’t care, but because He is in control. God only allows us and the devil to bring evil into this world because God knows that He has the power to undo all of it. God has the power to calm the storms, to bring the dead to life, to make everything new; even the power to repair our church. In death and in life, God is in control.

So, many may see that lightning bolt that struck our church as a sign of God’s judgment against us. But did you know, did you know that throughout the Bible lightning is also a common sign of God’s presence? In Exodus 19 as God descends onto Mount Sinai preparing to give the 10 commandments to the Israelites, the mountain was covered with a thick cloud of thunder and lightning. In Matthew 28 as the resurrected Jesus first appeared to the women at the tomb, it tells us that his appearance was like lightning. And in Revelation chapter 4 as John receives a vision of the very throne room of God, John beheld flashes of lightning bursting forth from the throne. Perhaps the lightning is not a sign of God’s judgment against us, but a sign of God’s presence with us.

Friends, whether in the calm or in the storm, God is still present with us, and God is still in control. And friends, though our God permits evil to occur, our God specializes in bringing good from evil. Friends, we know that nothing can separate us from the love of God. And so, no matter what struggles may come our way, we say confidently and boldly that our God is still good, and He still is our hope and He still is our salvation. And so, we say confidently and boldly that our God still has plans for the future of our church that we may continue to go forth and proclaim the praises of His great name. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us pray together: Almighty God, we thank you that a church is so much more than a building. We thank you that our faith is not rooted in grand architecture or in old buildings, but that our faith is rooted in you, the unchanging God. We thank you that you protected us all from harm and kept us all safe from the storm. We thank you for the firefighters and other public servants who helped put out the fire in our steeple and assess the damage. We thank you for our brothers and sisters in the Methodist church who are hospitably hosting us for our service tonight. We thank you that you are in control, and we trust you to make all things right.

God, we pray that you would help us to restore the church building such that we can continue to worship in its walls for years to come. We pray that through this suffering you would bring good. We pray that it teaches us to let tragedies unite us and not tear us apart. We pray that our faithfulness through this situation would be a witness of hope to those around us. And we pray for the faith to trust you through all the mountains and the valleys of this world knowing that you will lead us one day to green pastures and still waters.

And now let us pray the words that our Lord taught us to say: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.”