the Deacon’s will be collecting donations for Safe Passage.  They are in need of inexpensive bed pillows, new or gently used towels, 13-gallon kitchen trash bags, paper towels, baby wipes.    There is a basket in the back of the sanctuary for donations.

Deacon’s are still collecting pairs of socks, all sizes from infants, children, men & women’s, for the blessing box.

The Deacon’s help with the Moberly School district for Resources for Home to School.  If you would like to donate items to help those students that may need assistance, some of the items they can use are School supplies for the winter.  A lot of the children walk to school and get their feet, clothing etc. wet. So they could really use gently used clothing, coats, gloves & shoes, socks, hygiene items, undergarments, so if they need to change into dry clothing, there will be some available. There is a basket in the hall for donations.

Safe Passage is in need of make-up, hair products, hair clippers, kitchen trash bags, paper towels, liquid dish soap, baby shampoo and wash, spray Lysol, liquid dish soap and women’s deodorant.

The Blessing Box is in need of some items. Donations can be things like canned goods, soups, fruits, and vegetables; crackers, cereal, peanut butter, SpaghettiOs, cookies, breakfast bars, individual fruit cups, puddings, chips; tuna, canned chicken breast, easy to fix items, nonperishable food items.  Hygiene products, feminine items, soap, shampoo, coats, gloves, socks, clothing, small household items and much more. 

Rooted 242 Café, located at 422 W. Coates St.  the hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Thursdays 6AM – 6PM Friday & Saturday 6AM-7PM; closed Tuesdays.

Donate to the “Spice Collection” for Rooted 242.  Some of the spices they can use are Garlic; Cinnamon; Cumin; Parsley; Chili Powder; Minced Onion; Sesame Seeds.  Also collecting: Board Games & Children’s Books. A collection tote is in the hallway on the large bookshelf.

Coyote Hill Foster Care Services is continuing to collect school supplies for foster children.  If you would like to donate school supplies, i.e.: pencils, notebooks, erasers, rulers, scissors, backpack, etc… you can leave them at the church, and a Deacon will deliver the supplies to them. 

Coyote Hill would like to share how you can get involved in the foster care community, either by becoming a foster parent, respite provider, or volunteer. If you would like to know more about what Coyote Hill is doing locally, right here in Randolph County!

Coates Street Presbyterian Church Board of Deacon’s

The Deacons’ Ministry is divided into several areas:

Transportation Those willing to drive church members to a doctor’s visit or medical procedure are recruited and names made available. 

Worship Support Each Deacon serves two months as usher and head usher at our Sunday morning service.  The 1st Sunday of the month, Maundy Thursday and Christmas Eve, the Deacon’s prepare and set up for the Lord’s Supper.

Community Donations Deacons receive all cash contributions the first Sunday of the month cash, along with any checks (memo for Deacons), or money in a Deacon offering envelope.  The Deacons prayerfully decide how to distribute those funds.  Currently, over $7000 annually goes to our community: Christos Center Food, Community Child Care & Learning Center, Safe Passage, Moberly Home to School Program, Randolph County Ministerial Alliance, Rooted 242, Coyote Hill of Moberly, and other needs the Board votes on.

The Deacon’s meet on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:00 PM.

Pictured above:, Barb Riley, Terry Goessling, Mary Jo Sanders, Vickie Troyer, Karen Berding, Connie Rumbaugh. Not pictured Nathan Schafer

Karen Berding & Linda Ballinger, Deacon’s at CSPC, handed out candy during the Halloween Walk in downtown Moberly.
2022 the Deacon’s held Spring & Fall Rummage Sales.
All proceeds from the sale will go back into the Community, through the many charities and organizations they support.

The Deacons have set a new BLESSING BOX outside of the church at the parking lot entrance.  This blessing box is for people to leave what they can and take what they need.  Some of the items that can be left in the blessing box is canned goods soups fruits and vegetables; nonperishable food items.  Hygiene products: feminine items, soap, shampoo, gloves for winter, small household items and much more. 

The Deacon’s collected items for the Festival of Sharing “Missouri Reading and Writing Kits”. They collected enough to make 50 kits at a value of $14.00 each, equaling $700.00 value of donations to help Missouri Students.